Inverse Problems in Applied Sciences
Ronny Ramlau(Industrial Mathematics Institute Johannes Kepler University, Austria), Otmar Scherzer, and Esther Klann
Applications of inverse problems in science and industry are numerous. Ill- posed inverse problems such as tomography or parameter identification occur in medical imaging, geophysics, astronomy and many other elds. This minisymposium should give
an insight in recent developments of regularization methods used in various applications, such as non-invasive imaging techniques like Optical Coherence Tomography
(OCT) and Photoacoustic Tomography (PAT), advanced tomography problems in X-
ray scanning and electron microscopy, multi-frequency impedance imaging techniques
for mammography screenings, atmospheric tomography for Adaptive Optics (AO) in
large ground-based telescopes, high-precision surface manufacturing by micro-milling
processes, the water wave problem, image enhancement and image restoration as well
as region of interest tomography. Novel regularization techniques will be presented for
these applications and analytical and numerical results will be discussed.